The spider web signifies both strength and fragility. When I found this spider web fabric it became important for me to work with it. My theme for my block for this Peace Quilt was to use it to illustrate the coming together of peoples from diverse backgrounds -- not just Israelis and Palestinians but people of differing faiths and multiple origins as are the peoples in this region. This is shown by the variety of fabrics in the four rays which lead towards the centre. The fragility of the web will likely always be there because commitment to peace requires continual renewal.
Initially I planned to finish it with French knots in the centre with each of the embroidery colours used for the blanket stitches on the coloured fabrics. Then it became apparent to me that in order for people to come together in harmony each must undergo some form of transformation. Hence the gold thread was chosen. The strength of the web lies within these transformations.
Dorothy Goresky (Unitarian Church), Vancouver British Columbia Canada